A week long examination of the role that centers of progress have played in humanity’s successes throughout history.

Chelsea Follett Centers of Progress

Most centers of progress thrive during times of relative social, intellectual, and economic freedom, as well as openness to intercultural exchange and trade.

- Chelsea Follett

This week at Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org, we’re taking time to reflect on the incredible progress humanity has made over the centuries. It wasn’t long ago that the vast majority of people lived in conditions of abject poverty. Though there’s still much work to be done, some of the worst aspects of the human condition are on the decline and truly astounding advancements in our legal systems, conception of rights, and technological prowess are often taken for granted.

Anchoring our examination of this journey from darkness is a new book from managing editor of Human​Progress​.org, Chelsea Follett. Follett’s Centers of Progress: 40 Cities That Changed the World spotlights a diverse range of cities across time and space to answer the question, where does progress come from?

As part of Centers of Progress Week, Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org will be releasing three new podcast episodes including two Liberty Exchange episodes and a new Portraits of Liberty episode. We’ll offer a range of content throughout the week including articles, blog and social media posts, video content, timely pieces from our archives, and encyclopedia entries to help define terms and concepts. As we enter the Thanksgiving season, we hope we can help you share a little bit of gratitude and optimism with those around the dinner table.

This post will be updated daily throughout the week with links to all of the content related to Centers of Progress Week.

New on Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org This Week

Introductory Video: Hope for Hong Kong by Landry Ayres

The Liberty Exchange Episode 3, How Cities Can Change the World with Paul Meany and Chelsea Follett

Can the Secret to Modern Prosperity be Found in Amsterdam’s Past? by Chelsea Follett

Turgot, The First Theory of Progress by Paul Meany

Portraits of Liberty Episode 52, Citizen Jane: Jane Jacobs with Paul Meany

Distress in the City: The Hayekian Great Society and Our Atavistic Biases by Grant Babcock

The Liberty Exchange Episode 4, A City Cannot Be a Work of Art: Sanford Ikeda on Jane Jacobs and Spontaneous Complexity with Jonathan Fortier and Sanford Ikeda

Xiaogang: How A Village Went Forward While China Went Back by Paul Meany

The Human Meaning of Economic Growth by Saul Zimet

From the Archives

The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism: Economic Development by Ian Vásquez

The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism: Progress by George H. Smith

How Laissez Faire Made Sweden Rich by Johan Norberg